Sunday, July 10, 2011

A sleep in!

On an average weekday we're all up at 6, and we'll stretch it out a maximum 10-15 minutes on weekends before SP becomes insistent. When Dave turned to me this morning and said it was nearly 6:30, I just about fell out of bed. 

He reminded me of a conversation we had on the Saturday after SP was due to be born (and a week before his actual birth): he wanted to get up and get things done, but I suggested we rest a bit longer because post-baby we might not have the chance for a long time. I was right. 

But today, we didn't hear SP until about 6:45. Then it became a challenge to stay in bed until 7 just to see if we could. 

When I went in to get him (which is usually Dave's job), he was sitting huddled in bed with his sheet over his knees and his beloved wrap held around his shoulders, granny style. My gorgeous boy :) 

1 comment:

  1. It seems impossible to imagine now, but I'm sure there will be a time, when all our kids have left home, that we miss those 6am wake-ups!!!

    Glad you got a sleep-in!


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