Saturday, March 10, 2012

Too Old for Children's Ministry - What then?

I've been thinking about this for a while. We have three year 7s in our church, 2 boys & a girl, and I don't want to lose them like we've lost about 10 years worth of teens. But it's hard to know what to do when there's so few of them and all the adults in the church seem to be full to the brim with other ministries. 

Meredith's got some very helpful thoughts on it. Particularly the stuff about forming real relationships between the adults and kids. Sounds simple, but requires time and effort and getting outside the comfort zone of fellow-mummy-chat at morning tea time. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Petrina,
    I've been thinking about this issue for quite some time. When I had them last year it was fairly clear that the older ones needed to be in church and then attend some sort of youth group with Bible Study tailored to their attention spans. a normal CFK session was to long to run as a Bible Study, especially for the boys, but too short to do a decent study and something else. I've got a few ideas that may help. I'll talk to you on Sunday about them if you like?
    -Richard C


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