Sunday, November 4, 2012

Teaching kids, continued

Four weeks ago I posted on my first time teaching Sunday School.  Today we finished the four actual lessons for this term, in a rather unusual arrangement the rest of term is going to be spent preparing the kids for their part in this year's Christmas carols.  In my case, it looks like I'll be honing the "epic", or perhaps "boss", ukelele ensemble.

With 400% more experience than last time (sounds much better that way, don't you think?) I wouldn't delete any of the observations from my first lesson, but I would add two more:
  • Maintaining discipline/focus requires constant effort.
  • The kids will surprise you with what they latch on to and what they don't.
My brother-in-law is a teacher and he says if you jump on things hard enough at the start of term, you can usually relax after a couple of weeks.  Unfortunately if you apply that to the once-a-week environment of Sunday School, it means you get to the second last week of term before the kids are actually consistently paying attention.

It's been an interesting stint and although I'm sorry not to be getting a full term of teaching, I think I'll be glad to get back to the comfort and familiarity of music ministry.  Although I must admit that during the break I've advanced one composition further than any others to date...

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