Saturday, December 14, 2013

Preaching personalities

Simone has been doing a series recently on how your personality affects your preaching style.  Having done a few sermons this year, naturally I was curious to find out what type I am.

Turns out that like a whopping 2% of the population, including such real and ficticious luminaries as Vladimir Putin, Augustus Caesar, Gen Colin Powell, Hannibal (both, the guy with the elephants and the guy with the chianti), Jefferson, JFK, Walter White (from Breaking Bad), Gandalf and Moriaty, I'm an INTJ.... looking at that list again, it does help explain why world domination is a recurring theme for me...

I don't know how accurate this description is, but I certainly see bits of me in it: bookworm, engineering career, various other traits that might be strengths or weaknesses depending on the situation.

Unfortunately, it's also not on the list of personality types that Simone's looked at yet.  Oh well.

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