Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parenting stereotypes

It sounds like a scene from one of those cheesy US sitcoms like Home Improvement - dad goes to the hardware store on a short errand, and comes back with half the store.

Well, turns out that it's not all that difficult a task to achieve. Stopping at Bunnings on the way home from work to get some Borax and some screws should have been a 5 minute job. 1 hour later Petrina is starting to get worried, but it's OK 'cause I'm nearly through the checkout. Yes, I remembered the borax, it's just that I was busy converting 2 months worth of "play money" into various pots and plants etc for our little container garden. It was only after I got home and was heading to bed that I realised I'd forgotten the screws!

I don't think I should be allowed back into such places without an escort... It will be interesting to see if I can restrain myself to only get the screws tonight.

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