Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A great Bible Study

F slept the whole way through - great for my concentration levels. 

SP and his friends played beautifully for the vast majority of the time, including 3 of them doing a very cute 'Hokey Pokey'. Although that proved to be just as distracting as troublesome behaviour can be :)

We studied John 4 together, and I felt like I actually gained some understanding. My take-home points: 
- The Samaritan woman was so so excited about finding Jesus as the source of life that she couldn't wait to tell her whole village. Am I that excited to share Jesus with people I know?
- if Jesus is the one and only source of life, then it's so important for me to drink deeply. I'm praying that this will lead me to be less cursory in my relationship with Jesus, particularly in prayer.

At the beginning of the term, we all shared some over-arching prayer points/goals, and when we did an update today, I can see God working in every one of us. So encouraging. 

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