Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nana May's Magic Hands

My eczema has been playing up lately. Not fun. I hate being itchy, and I don't love looking red and inflamed either.


So when Dave noticed a stall offering free 60 second hand treatments at the South Bank markets last night, I gave it a go. Rubbing a salty, oily solution over my dry hands felt very odd, but when it was washed off… heaven!


After a bit more wandering, we went back and bought a tub of Nana May's Magic Hands. I'd like to think this was a considered decision, and not jumping on some bandwagon out of desperation. I'm not in the habit of buying anything that a guru tells me will work.


Jeanie told me to use it morning and night until my eczema clears (about 7 days) and then twice a week. She was very optimistic. And after just 2 treatments on my hands and 1 on other areas, so am I. But 7 days to clear skin seems a little unrealistic.


I'll post again in a week's time.


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