Sunday, July 4, 2010

No more corny titles, please...

It's been a few months since my first attempt at planting a decent bunch of crops. How did it go?
- The cayenne peppers were the best of the lot, growing fairly easily and although we only got half a dozen, they're good sized and pack a punch! Currently drying on the window sill, I'll need to grind them down soon...
- The lettuce did a few weeks of lunches...
- The carrots were all about as thick as a piece of string...
- The zucchini started well, then got some form of blight, and right when they were flowering I decided to cover them with mosquito netting to try and keep out whatever was eating things. What's that, zucchini needs bees to pollenate and turn flowers into fruit? Bother...
- The beans, and spinach just died...
- The onions are still in, watch this space...

But today's harvest was the corn - of the eight or ten original plants, only a few survived, and from them I managed to get four cobs.

As you can see (that's a teaspoon in the top photo by the way) it's not going to win prizes at the RNA any time soon. But after cooking, well, it tastes like corn, and the kernels are actually a much richer, deeper yellow than frozen corn from the supermarket. The store-bought stuff looks anaemic by comparison.

So as much as I love time in the country, it's probably best that I'm not trying to feed a family on home-grown produce just yet. Although there's quite probably a family or two of possums that are doing very well out of our little vegie patch.

Now I'm looking forward to spring and summer, and seeing if the grapevine or mulberry bush produce anything of interest.

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