Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Link: Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning

This article is going around Facebook. I could give you a taster so you can decide whether it's worth reading or not, but I just want you to read it. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely correct. When Josh was about 4 years old we were at a river in Mackay doing some kayaking. He was splashing in the shallow water where the boat ramp went into the river. I was about 6 - 8 metres away. I turned for literally 3 seconds and he slipped off the submerged edge of the boat ramp and could no longer touch the bottom. When I turned back to the water, all I could see was the top of his head and his eyes above the water. His mouth and nose were submerged and he couldn't get them above water. There was no way he could call for help. I will never forget the look of absolute terror in his eyes for as long as I live. And I've never run so fast in my life.


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