Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bible Bookcase Puzzle

Whilst googling for a 'books of the bible' graphic for Sunday School, I came upon this game

I'm tempted. 

Does anybody have it? Do you think your kids (or adults) would have fun with it, either at home or at church?


  1. Ha! I'm doing Books of the Bible next week too. But I don't have the game. How big is it do you think? I couldn't tell from the picture. We are going to be doing a Bible stack with ordinary books covered in plain paper with the names of the OT books on them and time ourselves to get them in the correct order and then see if we can beat the times etc.

  2. I think it looks pretty funky. I'd be curious to know how big it was too....

    I would enjoy it. But I'm a puzzle queen. My kids would probably like it too.

  3. I love the look of this... but, depending on the price, we did a similar thing at uni mid-year-conference with the books written on strips of cardboard. Less fun, but probably as effective!

  4. From the youtube video, the books look about the size of matchboxes.

    I agree, there would be other methods for the same result. I don't think I'll be buying one any time soon. But I'm filing the idea away for future reference...

  5. Good morning Ladies, hope all is well. Me name is Everton Heron and I'm one of the creators of the Bible Bookcase. I just came across your blog and would be happy to answer any questions or help you with pricing. Thank you for discussing our product. God Bless!


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