Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reading the Bible with SOAP

No, I haven't been taking my Bible in the shower with me. But I have started using a new technique in my Bible reading times: S.O.A.P

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across it here. I don't know where it originated, and a quick google gives lots of explanations & resources. 

The basic idea is: 

S: Scripture - write it out. 
O: Observations. 
A: Applications
P: Prayer 

When I found this, I was feeling pretty uninspired in my readings, and trying something new nearly always helps with that, so I gave it a go straight away. And I'm loving it. 

I've been taking the Bible readings from church (1 Tim and Titus), dividing them into 6-7 parts, and reading one part each day in the lead up to the sermon. 

Since I'm doing my Bible readings first thing in the morning. I'm finding that the simple act of writing out the passage goes a long way towards waking me up and focusing my attention. I may be bleary eyed at the start, but by the time I've copied out a couple of sentences, my brain is much more engaged than it would be if I'd just been reading them. 

I write my observations, applications and prayers too. It keeps me focused, and at the end of my quiet time, I look at the page of notes I've written and feel like I've accomplished something. 

And there's one more thing that's been adding value to my Bible reading time: 

Our house has a lot of doorways and not so many doors, so using this little beauty (from IKEA) rather than the overhead dining room light means the children don't feel so inclined to come and join me. 

I'm still not really enjoying getting up to read the Bible, but I am enjoying being up. Praise God. 


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!! I love this idea. Just tried it and how simple and effective! How's Psalm 71 coming along? I hit a wall around verse 14...

    1. Glad to share something useful :)

      I've been meaning to ask how you went. I didn't just hit the wall, I fell right off the wagon, about verse 9. I've been picking it back up this week though - maybe I'll be finished it by the time Do Not Depart gets to the next project?

  2. Lol oh good I'm not the only one! I still have it up next to the toilet but I've not been working on it. I will give it another shot. I think it's still better than not trying, huh?


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