Church4Kids started last Sunday, with a brilliant group of leaders who can handle it very nicely without any help from me. SP had a period of sadness apparently, but showed no signs when I returned. He wasn't too keen to tell me about Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego being in the fire though, so I wonder if he found the story upsetting. He seems a bit sensitive about traumatic storylines these days. Seven lessons on John start this week.
Bible study was back on this morning. Also John. I love the concept of having the adults and kids studying the same thing. And I'm really glad that we set some expectations for the year (arriving on time, preparing beforehand) and shared some bigger picture prayer points for the term.
Playgroup starts on Thursday. Our wonderful leader has moved to another church, to be replaced by a team of people sharing the responsibilities. It will be quite different, but just as good I'm sure.
We're aiming to take SP swimming most Saturdays at the moment - he's quite fearful of the water, but getting better with exposure. It's been very wet the last couple of weekends though, so we haven't gone. Maybe this week.
And in the midst of it all, little F continues to eat, sleep and grow as she should. She's not such an easy baby as SP was, but a delight nonetheless.
Life is full and God is good. We are so blessed to have our a lovely little family to enjoy.