Thursday, October 27, 2011

Boy or Girl? (by Petrina, posted by Dave)

It seems that when an unborn baby is in troublem its parents typically announce its gender and name before it is born. I [Petrina] was actually discussing this with a friend a couple of months ago and though we both prefer not finding out the gender under "normal" circumstances, we agreed that with a sick baby, we would want to.

Now that I'm in that situation, I disagree with myself.

The thing I liked most about not finding out SP's gender before birth was the moment of delivery, when he finally arrived. After all the waiting and longing, "it's a ..." were some of the sweetest words I'd ever heard.

Whether this baby comes out healthy, sick, or stillborn, it will still have a moment of birth. And whatever happens, I still want my moment of hearing those sweet words again as we meet our little one face to face.

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