Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Please Pray for our Baby

Our precious unborn child has heart failure. Its little heart is moving through many different rhythms and its body is swollen, with fluid gathering under its skin and around its organs.

I've been admitted to hospital for a couple of days, and the doctors are working to find the dose of medication that will help the baby's heart get back on track without harming mine. When (if) they can do that, we pray that the baby will heal sufficiently in its present home before coming into the big wide world. Some staff seem very optimistic, others not so much.

We are so thankful that God has all this absolutely under His control, and that He has had this little one's life planned out since before the beginning of time.

Please pray that our baby will be healed and that we will trust Him and His plan. Pray also that we will have opportunities to share with those around us the reason for the hope that we have.

May God be glorified.


Petrina wrote that from hospital this morning and asked me to post it for her. At the moment the possible outcomes range from a small but otherwise healthy baby, to stillborn. We just have to trust God for the final answer. But as she said, we're amazed and so blessed to live in a country where we have this sort of medical care; where the doctors can look at a scan and see a problem, and know that if they give Petrina certain drugs, they will get through to the baby as well.



  1. Be assurred of our constant prayers for you all, and especially the dear little one.

  2. Praying for you as a fellow family in Christ.


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