Thursday, November 3, 2011

CCU progress

Well, Petrina is settled comfortably into CCU now. Although the original plan was to start the IV line immediately after the transfer this morning, the cardiologist decided it was prudent to give that morning's dose time to work further through Petrina's system before starting the new stuff.

The down side is that the 24 hours in CCU only properly starts now, so it will probably be Saturday morning before she's transferred back to the Mothers. And all mobiles have to be turned off in CCU so if you were planning to call or text during that time, you'll have to wait a little for a reply.

The up side is that we may be seeing the first signs of progress. Baby's heart is still in SVT, but the rate is dropping - it peaked around 250 bpm earlier this week, and was at 210 about 20 minutes ago. Around 4pm this afternoon it dipped to 197. Apparently normal heart rate at this age is about 150 bpm.

We continue to be thankful for everyone's love and prayerful support. We're all pretty tired. SP is still a bit crook, but he's eating and sleeping better than he did last night. Personally, I'm thankful for the effort so many people are going to in order to help us, but at the same time I'm struggling with exhaustion and feeling powerless to do much of anything help the three people I love most on this earth.

At least I can deal with the exhaustion by going to bed. Goodnight all!

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