Monday, November 14, 2011


Not much to report since Saturday's post. It was lovely for all the family to go in and see Petrina on Sunday afternoon and to pass on the prayers and well-wishes from all our friends. All the weekend observations of baby's heart have been good - sinus rhythm and a good pace, praise God! If this morning's scan shows that the fluid levels are starting to decrease, there's a small chance that they might let Petrina come home. If there's no improvement, we're not sure if they'll just up the dose again or switch to a more direct treatment.

Give thanks:
  • That because we live so close to the hospital, Petrina could come home for Friday's leave. Normally they only let patients go as far as Southbank
  • For the good obs of baby's heart over the weekend
  • For family and friends who are caring and supportive of us all


  • That SP will cope OK. Each day it's harder for him to see daddy go, which makes it harder for me to leave
  • That the scan will show less fluid, so they don't need to increase the dose or change tack
  • That Petrina will keep coping with the exhaustion that comes from this medication, and other intermittent side effects

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