Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For those who came in late...

Petrina asked me to do a quick post to fill you in on the number one question that she's being asked at the moment: how did you find out about baby's heart problem?

We had a routine morphology scan at around 20 weeks. During this scan, the sonographer saw some ectopic beats, i.e. every so often it skips a beat. We'd had exactly the same thing with SP, although it didn't start that early. He's a bright, healthy little man, so we left the scan thinking that it would just be more of the same for this baby.

To the best of my knowledge, it's standard procedure if they pick up an ectopic beat to schedule a follow-up scan to check the heart structure. Well, that scan was what we had a couple of weeks ago. Baby's heart structure is fine, but as we know, the rhythm and rate are still needing treatment.

There was a slight change in the treatment plan last night, so Petrina didn't start the new drug until this morning. The scan scheduled for Wednesday might be moved to Thursday to make sure the drugs have had enough time to get into her system.

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