Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hope and progress

Petrina's just had another scan, and the results are the best we've had since we found out about baby's heart trouble. The rhythm was all sinus - not even any ectopic beats. Praise God for that.

The heart is still enlarged and there is still a lot of fluid around, but we know that takes time to clear anyway.

  • Give thanks for such an encouraging result today!
  • Pray that the medication will keep working, with no negative side effects as it builds up in Petrina's system
  • Pray that as baby's heart gets stronger, the fluid and enlargement will be resolved quickly


  1. Praise to the Lord! We will continue to pray for you all and pray for healing. Keep strong in the Lord Dave and Petrina! Dan & Roz

  2. That's wonderful news! Praise God :)...the Atkinsons


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