Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I miss my wife.

But I am thankful that after running a temperature since yesterday afternoon and a vomit last night, and after lying in for nearly 3 hours past his normal getting-up time, SP seems to be on the mend.

Petrina's settling in to the ward, starting to meet some of the other mums there and getting over some of the aches and pains that have been interrupting her sleep lately.

I think we're due for another scan today sometime; I'm not certain but I think there are basically two possible outcomes:
- some improvement, stay on the current treatment plan
- no improvement, switch to a different drug

Either way Petrina will be in for a while.

Here's an interesting bit of search engine trivia for you too: I was doing a little reading on some of the drugs the doctors have mentioned - just wikipedia level broad brush-strokes; we have a senior pharmacist at church who can go through the details with me. But anyway, searching with google as usual, it auto-completes some suggestions. Now for the first two drugs, I didn't take much notice, except to realise that about halfway through the spelling was slightly different to what I expected. By the fourth search, google had cottoned on to the fact that I was researching cardiac drugs and gave the correct suggestion after only two letters! A good thing too, 'cause I had no idea how to spell that one properly. Kinda cool, kinda scary at the same time.

Please keep praying.


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