Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Latest update

Petrina had another scan earlier today. Once again I've fallen into the trap of oversimplifying the possible outcomes.

The results from today's scan are that the SVTs are still there, unchanged. In addition, the heart is dilating and starting to put pressure on the lungs. And because the heart's struggling so much, the oedema levels are increasing, not decreasing.

But, because the latest blood work wasn't back yet, they're not changing the drugs until they see those results and confirm that the doses are at therapeutic levels. So there's probably going to be another scan tomorrow - that will have given a bit more time for this higher dose to work through Petrina's system into baby.

For those who've been asking: yes, Petrina is probably going to be in hospital for the duration.


  1. I can't begin to imagine the stress. Will keep praying that things will work out okay.

    On a side note, Duncan and family showed up at church on Sunday and our daughters hit it off immensely well ...

  2. We are upholding you all in prayer Dave and Petrina. We hope that the church will be your practical support as we found in our pregnancy trials. We will continue being near you in thoughts and prayers. Lots of love, Dan & Roz Niven


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